U.S.S. Intrepid Sea & Space Museum
Location New York, NY
Art Direction, Motion Graphics, Illustration
 Awards Communicator Award, Interactive Multimedia/Education (Silver); Event Design Award, Best Use of Media (Bronze)

The USS Intrepid museum, one of New York's most popular tourist attractions, features digital exhibits focusing on the ship's history, technology, and culture. As a child of a Navy Lieutenant Commander, I was honored to have the opportunity to bring my design skills to these projects as Art Director.

A large, multi-user tabletop exhibit invites visitors to explore a timeline of the ship's history. Six color-coded stations allow visitors to explore independently, while a projection on the table tracks each visitor's interest, and features pop-up photos and "Easter Egg" animations.

A second tabletop uses period maps of the ship's layout to give visitors a virtual tour. For both these exhibits, I developed textured, layered interfaces using photography from the ship's archives.

I designed Cruise Book kiosks, which present digital versions of the ship crew's yearbooks, to allow easy navigation and quick access to historic highlights. In the Mess Hall kiosks, I used my own photography of previously inaccessible areas of the ship to showcase the everyday experiences of crew members. For Intrepid Around the World, which displayed the ship's routes on a projection globe, my designs implemented vintage type and photography.

To create "attract" animations for these exhibits, I manipulated photographs, cut out and layered into three dimensions, to add depth and motion to the authentic images.

The vintage designs and modern interfaces continue to engage hundreds of thousands of visitors each year from all over the globe.

See the INTREPID'S Multiple Interactives